Our weekly roundup of stories in the English and Spanish language press on Mexico and Mexican politics. 

Noam Scheiber, Caterpillar Factory in Mexico Draws Complaint of Labor Abuses New York Times. The number of Caterpillar workers in Latin America increased to just over 20,000 last year, as some American union complain, walking a thin line between rank nativism and international solidarity.

Kurt Hackbarth, Refundar la república Sentido Común. Con un Estados Unidos sobreextendido en Europa, Medio Oriente y el Pacífico, es además tiempo de explorar las nuevas posibilidades brindadas por la multipolaridad y las agrupaciones que se van formando fuera de las viejas fórmulas coloniales.

Erin Nelson, Laura Gomez Tovar, & Manuel Ángel Gómez Cruz, Mexico’s planned glyphosate ban helped show how agroecology can lead the way forward The Conversation. Stemming the tide of glyphosate is challenging, even when there is significant political will. This is likely at least in part due to the significant lobbying power of companies like Bayer.

Viri Ríos, Qué significa el atentado contra Trump para México Milenio. La intimidación será grande, pero México no debe olvidar sus fortalezas, pues a esta negociación llegará más fuerte que nunca.

Robert Preston, Mexico’s next president continues passenger train revival International Railway Journal. Claudia Sheinbaum, says that her administration will continue the programme to reintroduce long-distance passenger services to the national rail network, but with a focus on lines running north from Mexico City to the US border.

Ernestina Godoy Ramos, Humanismo mexicano y futuro El Universal. El Humanismo Mexicano descansa sobre dos pilares: la gran herencia cultural prehispánica portadora de virtudes excepcionales como la fraternidad, la libertad, la justicia y la honestidad y la aplicación de una política con dimensión social, justa y de carácter público.

Glenn Wilkins, Could China Help Mexico Become A Green Energy Powerhouse? Baystreet.  Balancing Mexico’s strengthening trade relations with China as well as its diplomatic and economic relationship with the United States will be one of the most critical tight-rope acts for President Elect Claudia Sheinbaum.

Elena Burns, Un reducto del salinismo Sin Embargo. ¿Por qué Conagua da el agua de todos a privados? Porque para eso se creó…

Tamara Pearson, Land Defenders Shut Down a Toxic Mine. Now Its Corporate Backers Want Damages Truthout. A Canadian firm is demanding $200 million in damages from Mexico following the cancellation of its mining concessions.

Nancy Flores, Panel del T-MEC: última oportunidad para que México defienda el maíz Contralínea. Si México pierde, el mundo pierde.