Photographs by Jay Watts.
November 29, 2023 – the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People – saw over 20,000 people hit the streets of Mexico City, marching from the Angel of Independence to the Plaza de la Constitución, informally known as the Zócalo. The demonstration was the latest in a series of rallies that have taken place in Mexico City and throughout the country since the Israeli government began its brutal, illegal assault on the Palestinian people in Gaza last month.
Various social and political organizations participated, as well as students and a substantial number of trade unions, including the Sindicato Mexicano de Electricistas and Sindicato de Trabajadores de la UNAM.
Energy Reform Vote
Mexicans gathered at the Chamber of Deputies to show support for a bill to amend the Mexican Constitution regarding the energy sector
XXII Feria Internacional del Libro
For this edition, tributes were made to Almudena Grandes, Rosario Ibarra de Piedra, Carlos Martínez Rentería and Elena Poniatowska.
Mexico City in Solidarity with Palestine
Over 10,000 rallied in Mexico City in solidarity with Palestinians
CDMX with Palestine
On Saturday, October 28th, Chilangos marched in solidarity with Palestine from the Angel of Indepence to the Zócalo,