During an interview for the “60 Minutes” program, Mexican President López Obrador spoke about the main problems faced by both countries, mainly in terms of migration and illegal drug trafficking. The President emphasized that Mexico is a sovereign country that cooperates with other countries in order to find solutions.

Mexico City, March 25, 2024 (De Raíz) – In an interview for 60 Minutes, the most watched news magazine in the United States, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador highlighted Mexico’s role in solving regional problems such as drug trafficking and undocumented migration.

In his conversation with journalist Sharyn Alfonsi, correspondent CBS news, the Mexican president emphasized that the root causes of migration must be addressed, and that he has has accordingly proposed that the US government allocate at least 20 billion dollars to address the issue, which has led to the detention of 250,000 people by the US Border Patrol.

The president also highlighted the summit held at the end of last year with the Heads of State of Cuba, Venezuela and the countries of Central America to address the migratory issue in a regional manner.

The relationship with the United States is one of respect and cooperation: López Obrador

While addressing the topic, López Obrador expressed his confidence that that Donald Trump, former US president and the presumptive candidate for the White House for the Republican Party, would not build the border wall he has mentioned as part of his campaign should he win the November 2 elections, since both countries have solid economic and commercial relations that are even supported by a trade agreement “that has been favorable for both peoples”.

He also highlighted that the relationship with both the former president and with current President Joe Biden has been respectful, and although there have been differences, the common interest of both nations has always been prioritized. During his six-year term, Mexico displaced China and Canada as the US’ primary trading partner.

In addition, López Obrador emphasized that both US presidents have been respectful of his country’s sovereignty “because Mexico is not a colony or protectorate of any other country, but an independent, free and sovereign country” that does not subordinate itself to foreign interests.

The fight against organized crime

On the subject of the fight against drug trafficking, especially fentanyl, López Obrador stated that it is produced in the United States, Canada and Mexico, but that the chemical precursors come from Asia. For this reason, he believes that the US Drug Enforcement Agency does not have a complete picture. He also emphasized that, unlike the United States, there is not the same level of drug consumption in Mexico “because we have customs, traditions and we do not have the problem of family disintegration”, thus highlighting the importance of addressing the causes behind these problems.

For her part, Sharyn Alfonsi highlighted that in Mexico homicides have been reduced by 22% according to the Secretary of Security and Citizen Protection (SSPC), but questioned that very few of them have been prosecuted, to which the President assured that these have been prosecuted in greater numbers, unlike previous governments, because impunity is being fought.

In the fight against organized crime, López Obrador said that it is not viable to negotiate with these groups, but that it is necessary to enforce the law to inhibit these actions.

This article was originally published by De Raíz and was translated by Mexico Solidarity.
The full segment, in English, can be viewed here.