A weekly selection of stories in the English and Spanish language press on Mexico and Mexican politics.

José Luis Granados Ceja, University Students in Mexico Launch Gaza Solidarity Encampment, Call for BDS Truthout. President AMLO has condemned Israel’s violence, called for an immediate ceasefire, and joined Chile in referring the situation in Palestine to the International Criminal Court, but has stopped short of breaking diplomatic relations with Israel as Colombia has done. An organizer describes AMLO’s response as “tepid” and casts the Mexican government’s response as insufficient given the level of brutality Israel has employed.

Sonia Sato, Maternidad y trabajo: Muchas pausas laborales, pocas garantías de retorno El Economista. Ser mamá profesionista es una carrera de resistencia, llevando a cuestas agotamiento, estrés, y la carga cultural de ser cuidadora, lo que hace cuestionarse si también vale la pena luchar en el ámbito laboral si no se tiene una red de apoyo.

Kurt Hackbarth, Ecuador Raided Mexico’s Embassy. Biden Has to Pick a Side Jacobin. From a geopolitical standpoint, US and Canadian attempts to downplay the Ecuadorian embassy invasion are understandable: if they were to condemn it in too clear terms, that would lead to the obvious question: Why there and not in the case of the Israeli bombing of the Damascus consulate, which killed seven?

Kiko Llaneras, ¿Qué dicen las encuestas sobre las elecciones en México? Sheinbaum tiene 86% de probabilidades de ganar El País. Al pasar las semanas sin datos ni noticias desfavorables para la candidata, aumentaron la confianza en su victoria.

Katu Arkonada, Assault on Mexican Embassy in Ecuador was Designed in Washington Resumen Latinoamericano. Lawfare, or the judicialization of politics, is driving major geopolitical changes in the region. The objective is to destroy the main leaders and currents of the Latin American left, leaving the way clear for the rise of the new Latin American right wing.

Maritza Cuevas, ¿Te acuerdas de la cooperativa Pascual? El Sol de Cuernavaca. A la fecha, los trabajadores continúan con la Cooperativa Pascual, y cada año se reúnen para celebrar aquella lucha social de la que salieron victoriosos y marcaron la historia.

Asawin Suebsaeng, Trump Is Planning to Send Kill Teams to Mexico to Take Out Cartel Leaders Rolling Stone. Donald Trump has allegedly told allies about his plans to covertly send Special Forces to Mexico to assassinate drug kingpins.

Julio Gutiérrez y Dora Villanueva, México, con potencial para ser la décima economía del mundo: BBVA La Jornada. Osuna Osuna indicó que se debe mejorar la competitividad salarial para impulsar el consumo interno, que en los últimos años ha sido el principal motor de crecimiento económico, así como disminuir la desigualdad, por medio de incrementar todavía más el salario mínimo, como lo ha hecho la actual administración.

US firm Newmont accused of reprisals against Mexican miners bnamericas. The international mining front (FIM), a transnational association of mineworkers unions, accused US company Newmont of firing more than 100 union members from its operations in Mexico, including some in Peru and Argentina, for demanding their due profit-sharing payments.

Blanca Juárez, Lucha contra el trabajo infantil: El papel clave de los sindicatos en México El Economista. Por primera vez en México, un sindicato ha incluido cláusulas en su contrato colectivo para erradicar el trabajo infantil.