Friends, Mexicanas and Mexicanos.

It gives me great pleasure to be here with you here in Campeche, a city with a considerable history and culture, like all the towns and cities of our beloved Mexico. That is why I decided to deliver this report from Campeche, because it is one of the cities and states that have contributed the most to national development, especially because for many decades Campeche was the main oil producer and its contribution made it possible to design the national budget. There were years when, out of every peso of the national budget, 40 centavos were obtained from the sale of oil extracted from the sea off Campeche and sold to foreign countries.

However, here, as in other states, we experienced an enigma, the contradiction of being rich states with a poor population. That is why I decided to present this report here in Campeche. And also because there is a historical event that can be summarized, and I leave you with this as a task, in the saying: ‘Toma tu Champotón’.(1)

In the almost five years of my administration, it has been demonstrated that our development model called Mexican Humanism, summarized in the phrase ‘for the good of all, the poor come first’, is effective and works exceptionally well. In this 5th Report to the Nation I will present factual data that proves this.

Perhaps the greatest lesson of the failed neoliberal or neoporfirista (2) model is that the commitment to material progress without justice is politically and socially unviable, and that, in the long run, it is doomed to failure. Its original flaw consists in overlooking the fact that the simple accumulation of wealth, without seeking its equitable distribution, produces inequality and serious social conflicts.

It is false to affirm that if those at the top are doing well, those at the bottom will necessarily also do well. Our alternative model or project is based precisely on the opposite idea, on attending first to the base of the social pyramid, and that is what is generating better family income, well-being, and happiness for the majority of the Mexican people. But it is also what is allowing us to guarantee basic and indispensable conditions for the promotion of national and foreign investment, for economic growth, job creation and, most importantly, governability and maintaining social peace.

In today’s Mexico, there are 22 million workers enrolled in the Mexican Social Security Institute, who receive an average salary of 16,284 pesos (3) per month. This has never been the case before.