Televisa: The Manufacturer of Mexico’s News
An interview with Andrew Paxman, professor of history and journalism, on Mexico’s corporate press behemoth.
An interview with Andrew Paxman, professor of history and journalism, on Mexico’s corporate press behemoth.
Garcia Luna, Carlos Slim getting richer, miners strike ends with raise, US gun-makers responsibilities for Mexican violence, Trump and Univision, the DACA fight.
Verónica Cruz Sánchez, founder of Las Libres, has helped free countless women imprisoned for abortion and miscarriage.
Women delivery drivers organize, independent union certification votes, Movimiento Ciudadano disassociates from far right opposition bloc, AMLO to take 2,400 hectares from US corporation, the centrality of the Mexican Revolution to global struggle.
An interview with Pedro Gellert, veteran left journalist, translator, and active Morena rank-and-filer since before the party became Morena.
Americans seeking abortions in Mexico, Dirty War deaths, Univision laundering Trump’s reputation, Sheinbaum pre-campaign team announced, economic outlook good for Mexico, minimum wage increase, 40 hour work week battle
An interview with Jorge Mújica Murias, alternate Morena diputado and a visible and vocal leader in Chicago’s Mexican community for decades.
California importing Mexican doctors, Sheinbaum and the Indigenous struggle, Acapulco redevelopment, green energy in Oaxaca, Adolfo Enriquez’s murder, Paco Ignacio Taibo II interview.
MSP’s José Luis Granados Ceja speaks with Eduardo Casillas on the 4TV current affairs program Al Sur del 32. [Spanish]
The Latino Media Collective speaks with Kurt Hackbarth about the possible catastrophic consequences of a US invasion of Mexico.