Our weekly roundup of stories in the English and Spanish language press on Mexico and Mexican politics.

President Sheinbaum Announces Reforms Against U.S. Interference in Mexico Telesur English. Sheinbaum proposes amending Article 40 of the Constitution to reaffirm that “the people of Mexico, under no circumstances, will accept interventions, interferences, or any other act from abroad that harms the integrity, independence, and sovereignty of the Nation.” This includes “coups d’etat, election interference, or the violation of Mexican territory, whether by land, water, sea, or airspace.”

Trump vuelve a la carga Sin Embargo. “No estoy contento con México ni con Canadá”, asegura el Presidente de EU en la CPAC.

Mexico’s president warns U.S. against invading to fight cartels after Washington designates them as terrorist groups CBS News. “This cannot be an opportunity for the U.S. to invade our sovereignty,” she said. “With Mexico it is collaboration and coordination, never subordination or interventionism, and even less invasion.”

Jared Laureles, Nuevamente archivan demanda de titularidad de CCT de la canadiense Linamar La Jornada. En julio del 2024, los más de mil trabajadores decidieron estallar la huelga ante la negativa de la empresa de capital canadiense de negociar el CCT y de reconocer como titular del mismo al Sindicato Nacional Minero, ya que éste cuenta con la constancia de representatividad que lo acredita para llevar a cabo las negociaciones.

Robb M. Stewart, Tariffs Set to Benefit Gold Price and Could Push Canada and Mexico Closer, Alamos Gold CEO Says Wall Street Journal.  Can Canadian politicians overcome their racist attitudes towards Mexico and slavish devotion to the USA? Maybe not, but Canadian businesses who value profit might! “With everything going on in North America right now with respect to tariffs that are being proposed for both Canada and Mexico, we may see stronger ties being built between Canada and Mexico; more investments from Canada into Mexico, and more opportunities,” McCluskey said.

‘Embargo de nómina’ impulsado por Pedro Haces beneficiaba a negocio de su hija y allegados Aristegui Noticias. La ‘cobranza delegada’ que impulsó desde el congreso el diputado por Morena Pedro Haces buscaba beneficiar a INMEDIPREST, un negocio de créditos de nómina en el que participan su hija y políticos allegados. La polémica iniciativa pretendía “embargar” el salario de los trabajadores en caso de que no pagaran sus créditos.

Francisco Dominguez and Roger D. Harris, Southcom’s Double-Speak – Every Accusation Is a Confession Resumen English. SOUTHCOM’s commander hinted that the war on drugs would be the weapon used against ‘creeping multipolarity’, but as Mexican President Claudia Sheinbaum noted, organized crime and drug distribution are prevalent within the US itself, the largest market for illicit drugs and the source of most weapons used by the organized crime groups. “Who is in charge of distributing the drug? Who sells it in the cities of the US?…Let them start with their country.”

Pedro Villa y Caña, Ninguna fuerza mundial puede doblegarnos: Sheinbaum El Universal. Destaca la unidad del pueblo mexicano y dice que defenderá la soberanía de acciones extraterritoriales; Trump la felicita por campaña contra el fentanilo.

Michael Wilner, Kate Linthicum and Patrick J. McDonnell, U.S. official says drone flights over Mexico may signal future strikes Los Angeles Times. The hope, DEA special agent in Mexico Todd Zimmerman said, is that the cartels will “step back away from fentanyl, and they’ll just go back to what they’ve always done, which is cocaine and methamphetamines and a little bit of heroin.”

Frida Sánchez, Clara Brugada anuncia que 78 secundarias de CDMX impartirán clases de Náhuatl; buscan reconocer las lenguas indígenas El Universal. En la secundaria técnica No. 28 “Francisco Goitia García”, en Xochimilco, la mandataria capitalina explicó que así como en algunos planteles educativos de la ciudad se dan clases de inglés, ahora los jóvenes podrán acceder a clases de náhuatl, sobre todo en alcaldías como Milpa Alta o Xochimilco, donde hay pueblos originarios.