Mexico City, January 11, 2024 (De Raíz) – Jorge Álvarez Máynez is the new presidential pre-candidate of Movimiento Ciudadano. Máynez until recently served as the coordinator of the presidential campaign of Nuevo León Governor Samuel García.

The international relations expert with a Master’s degree in Public Administration was introduced as “the most ‘fosfo fosfo’ (brilliant)”, a reference to a viral moment involving García’s spouse Mariana Rodríguez. However, Máynez’ political career has involved stints in various parties: the PRD (2003-2009), Nueva Alianza (2010), and the PRI (2010-2013). Since 2013, he has been a member of Movimiento Ciudadano, holding positions such as Secretary of Organization, Member of the National Operating Commission, and Secretary General of Agreements of the party.

With only days left before the end of the official pre-campaign period on January 18, Máynez is officially prohibited from starting his campaign until the party formally notifies his candidacy to the National Electoral Institute (INE).

Máynez steps into the role as representative of Movimiento Ciudadano in the 2024 election after Samuel García was forced to withdraw from his presidential bid because after he attempted to appoint a member of his party as interim governor, a move that was blocked by the state congress, where PRI and PAN hold a majority.

After being forced out of the race, the governor of Nuevo León revealed a list of requests for political positions from the PRI and the PAN to accept his formal leave from office in order to be able to compete in the presidential elections, a list similar to the one published by Marko Cortés recently detailing his deal with the PRI in Coahuila.

Originally published by De Raíz and translated by Mexico Solidarity Media.