A weekly selection of stories in the English and Spanish language press on Mexico and Mexican politics.
Jonathan Ng, Both Parties Have Turned the Border Wall Into a Death Trap Truthout. Republicans and Democrats have promoted the militarization of the U.S. Southwest for decades, framing immigration as a security issue, while enlisting foreign allies and military contractors in an ongoing offensive against migrants. These policies fuel unimaginable levels of violence.
Gustavo Castillo García, Jueza otorga libertad condicional a ocho militares por caso Iguala La Jornada. En tanto, la Comisión para la Verdad y el Acceso a la Justicia en el Caso Ayotzinapa (Covaj) condenó el cambio de medida cautelar para otorgar el beneficio de libertad condicional a los ocho militares.
William Savinar, López Obrador blasts release of 8 soldiers tied to mass disappearance of students Courthouse News. Judge Raquel Ivette Duarte Cedillo imposed a new set of precautionary measures, allowing the soldiers to await their trial on forced disappearance charges outside of prison.
Francisco Javier Soto, Secretaría de Gobierno sí previno a SCJN sobre liberación de militares del caso Ayotzinapa Sentido Común. Luisa Alcalde hizo pública la comunicación donde muestra la inconformidad del gobierno sobre el posible cambio a medidas cautelares para 8 militares involucrados en la desaparición de los 43 normalistas.
Andrew Schunk, Goodyear workers in Mexico celebrate new contract Tire Business. The contract, effective January 19th, will significantly increase wages, benefits and job security for the plant’s 1,144 workers, who labor leaders claimed had been illegally excluded from the industry wide law since the plant opened in 2018.
Alejandro Páez Varela y Álvaro Delgado Gómez, La conjura de las élites Sin Embargo. Los X. González y oligarcas pagaron informe que liga a Morena con narcos. Este dudoso informe está siendo promocionado en los medios estadounidenses, incluidos los de izquierda, para desacreditar a Morena.

Amy Stillman, Audi Workers in Mexico Hold First Auto Strike Under AMLO Bloomberg. The unionized workers went on strike on Wednesday mid-morning after rejecting the German automaker’s proposal of a 6.5% salary increase for this year’s contract.
Daniela Barragán, Mar de dudas razonables Sin Embargo. La candidata de derecha Xóchitl Gálvez acumula preguntas sobre inconsistencia en sus propiedades, ingresos, empresas.
The Border Crisis: The View of the CP Mexico ML Today. A critical view from the left of Mexican and US policies on migration.
Urge Biden a avalar ley que le permita cerrar su frontera sur La Jornada. Al necesitar el apoyo republicano para vender armas a Ucrania, Biden pretende implementar medidas extremas en la frontera que amenazarán vidas y familias.
Nate Raymond, US appeals court revives Mexico’s $10 bln lawsuit against gun makers Reuters. Mexico had accused the companies of aiding and abetting illegal gun sales by facilitating the trafficking of firearms into the country. Mexican Foreign Minister Alicia Barcena called the ruling “great news”.