A weekly selection of stories in the English and Spanish language press on Mexico and Mexican politics.

José Luis Granados Ceja, Mexico debates a rising political party’s ‘New Deal’ for the poor Al Jazeera. It is Lopez Obrador’s unique political identity as both a populist and an iconoclast that has transformed Mexican politics, not only in terms of lifting the people’s living standards but also renewing their faith in government and raising their revolutionary consciousness. When AMLO was elected president, 88 percent of Mexican respondents told pollsters that they believed that the government primarily served the elites. But since then, the ratio of Mexicans who trust the federal government has nearly doubled.

Ernesto Reyes, Derecho de réplica Paola Flores. A Alejandro Murat se le ha cuestionado por haber sido cómplice u omiso en la gran operación de despojo a familias oaxaqueñas. Con estos antecedentes, Mario Delgado y Claudia Sheinbaum lo propusieron como candidato.

Kurt Hackbarth, The Campaign to Smear AMLO as a Narco Jacobin. As the Mexican presidential campaign heats up, media outlets and think tanks are desperately trying to tie AMLO and his popular Morena party to drug traffickers. It’s a ludicrous smear that smacks of elite desperation.

Alejandro Páez Varela y Álvaro Delgado Gómez Salinas Pliego seguirá siendo un factor de desestabilización: Noroña Sin Embargo. “El tipo es muy reaccionario, le ha ido muy bien en este sistema, pero él cree que por ser poderoso económicamente nosotros debemos de obedecerlo, no, nosotros debemos de obedecer al pueblo”.

Brandon Mancilla, Our Class Has No Borders: Why the UAW Is Standing Up with Mexican Auto Workers Labor Notes. The UAW, and the labor movement as a whole, face an existential question: are we going to consent to our decline, or do what it takes to end the international race to the bottom?

Julieta Villegas Aguayo, El famoso usurero no es millonario, sólo es el más grande deudor fiscal del país SPR Informa. La campaña sucia de Salinas Pliego inicia lanzándose contra el SAT, afirmando sin pruebas, que ha sido «extorsionado» por la institución.

Johnathan Hettinger and Carey Gillam, ‘We are defending your products:’ Emails reveal coordination between US government, industry in foreign trade disputes The New Lede. Against the backdrop of a fierce battle between the United States and Mexico over the safety of certain farming products, newly obtained government communications provide fresh evidence of how powerful corporate interests often drive US officials to meddle in foreign affairs.

Ataca Milei a los presidentes de México y de Colombia La Jornada. El presidente de Argentina, criticó una vez más al mandatario mexicano. “Es un halago que un ignorante como López Obrador hable mal de mí, me enaltece”, dijo.

U.S. Tries to Force Potentially Hazardous GM Corn on Mexico Center for Food Safety. CFS maintains that Mexico cannot be forced to rely on U.S. protestations that GM foods are safe, because the U.S. position is based on a sham regulatory system designed to promote GM food acceptance domestically and abroad rather than ensure GMOs are safe. What passes for GMO oversight fails the definition of “regulation” in USMCA, says CFS, since it is not mandatory, and is filled with loopholes and inconsistencies rather than applying generally to all GMOs.

Roberto Téllez ¿Habrá huelga? STRM busca mejoras laborales para más de 63 mil empleados El Sol de Córdoba. El Sindicato de Telefonistas de la República Mexicana (STRM) alista el emplazamiento a huelga hacia Teléfonos de México.